Brooke Goldstein - 75 Years of Lies: The nakba mythology
On November 6, 2022, hundreds in Ottawa came out to celebrate Jewish identity and stand together to End Jew Hatred. See the trailer below for an overview of this amazing day.
End Jew Hatred Canada is part of the Global Movement to End Jew Hatred, in our lifetime. What is the movement? Watch below:
Dear "I'm not Antisemitic, just Anti-Zionist" activists: Hila Oz gives her latest Hot Take, responding to another anti-Israel Tik-Tok video.
WEBINAR - Wish You Weren't Here Roger Waters, July 20, 2022​
Is the BDS movement still relevant? - Brooke Goldstein​
Shine A Light Chanukah 2021
The End Jew Hatred movement was tasked with making a “Shine A Light” video, featuring community leaders and influencers from across the globe. A CAEF spokesperson is included.
End Jew Hatred rallies around the world on July 25, 2021
WOW! What an outpouring of love and solidarity around the world for Jews in Germany, as they deal with rising Jew-hatred, again.
Together, we can #EndJewHatred in our generation.
End Jew Hatred Canada Rally - Rabbis Speak Out Against Jew Hatred in Canada
On July 25, 2021, End Jew Hatred Canada held a Rally With Allies at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, calling for an end to Jew hatred. Standing in solidarity with the Jews in Berlin who have been attacked recently because of their Jewish identity and symbols, this rally was a call to action to all Canadians, and allies who spoke included politicians, community leaders, representatives of several faiths, and human rights activists.
End Jew Hatred Canada Rally - Diplomats Address Jew Hatred in Canada and Globally
End Jew Hatred Canada Rally - Multi faith and Ethno racial Leaders Agree: End Jew Hatred!
End Jew Hatred Canada Rally - Young Jewish Leaders of Today Demand an End to Jew Hatred!
End Jew Hatred Rally July 25, 2021​