Thanks to all who attended the recent Seminar, Stronger Together to #EndJewHatred, and to all who registered but weren’t in attendance—we missed you!

The Planning Committee is pleased to share event videos, outcomes, and the planned follow-up. We urge that you take up the challenge from our Keynote Speaker, Brooke Goldstein, founder of End Jew Hatred, and join the movement for action on the issues identified.
Watch Brooke’s presentation
Information Session—October 10, 2023
Rabbi Corey Margolese, founder of JTeach Academy and chair of Stronger Together to #EndJewHatred, will present a webinar on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism (IHRA), which was cut late in the program. This webinar is essential learning to understand the basis and application of this universally accepted working definition of antisemitism. Our goal is to have this adopted and implemented in every school board in Ontario.
Seminar Presentations
Several presentations are now available, and more to come.
Priorities for Action
Four (4) priorities were identified by the Planning Committee and shared at the Seminar. Each priority area was discussed and now has a lead person. Everyone is asked to choose at least one they will join to work on. Together, we are stronger and can make a difference.
Countering AntiZionism on campus Leads are Jesse Primerano, StandwithUs Canada and Daniel Koren, Allied Voices for Israel
Implementing IHRA in the public education system Lead, Rabbi Corey Margolese, JTeach Academy
Banning Al Quds Day Rallies from the Streets Lead, Anita Bromberg, Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation
Calling out Bias in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training Lead, Michael Teper, Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation
Summary Presentation on Priorities
See the Presentation on these 4 issues:
Meet Brooke Goldstein, Mobilize for Action
On October 11th, End Jew Hatred Canada is hosting an open Zoom meeting with Brooke Goldstein who will further explain the movement, answer your questions, and help us mobilize for action.
Meeting ID: 814 5208 1957 Passcode: 105182 Find your local number:
To mobilize and be active, contact
End Jew Hatred Report
Volunteer editor, Doris Epstein produces the End Jew Hatred Report, aimed at both senior levels of government in Canada, and the Senate. Each issue, focuses on one item for which the federal government need take action to respond to Jew hatred, locally, nationally and/or internationally. This week, End Jew Hatred Report called on the federal government to cease funding the UN Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, which trains Palestinian Arab children to commit violence against Israelis, denies the existence of Israel in their curriculum, and denigrates and demonizes the Jewish state and Jewish people. Canada contributes over $25,000 annually which must stop.
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