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Without you, there would be no #EndJewHatred Day

Without you, there would be no #EndJewHatred Day.

Coming together as a grassroots movement is what brings the change we want: to end Jew-hatred in our lifetime.

On Friday, April 29, we came together at a historic event in New York recognizing that our movement is incredibly important in changing the narrative and taking action to assure consequences for hate crimes and bigotry. This is the first time a Jewish civil rights movement has received this level of recognition, and the large audience in attendance was delighted and galvanized by the inspiring words of the speakers.

As Senator Elijah Reichlin-Melnick said as presented a Proclamation declaring that day to be #EndJewHatred Day in the 38th Senate District, “Without this movement moving it forward, I would not be standing here with you today. My colleagues in government would not be here with you today, so this is truly a grassroots movement. This did not originate with those of us in government. It originated with people out there in the community, so I thank you for that.”

As the Senator put it, “We need to declare once and for all what needs to happen in the most simple words that we can find. We need to End Jew Hatred. That is our pledge. That is our declaration.”

First and foremost, we thank the Senator for his recognition of #EndJewHatred Day. It is because of courageous acts, like that of Senator Reichlin-Melnick, that we are finally getting closer to eradicating the darkness that Jew-hatred is, by bringing these issues to light and forcing recognition of systemic problems that must be solved.

We also thank Assemblyman Mike Lawler (NY-97) for picking up the mantle; he spoke of our collective obligation to end Jew-hatred and remarked that “together we will undoubtedly pass a resolution on the floor of the New York State Legislature recognizing the #EndJewHatred movement in New York State and across the country.”

We thank Assemblywoman Lisa Swain (NJ-38) for affirming our responsibility to prevent the horrors of the Holocaust and the casual antisemitism that escalated to such atrocities from ever being repeated.

We are so appreciative of all the people who joined us on to speak and show support for #EndJewHatred Day. In speaking order, they include: Andrea Winograd, Executive Director at the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education; Brooke Goldstein, Executive Director of The Lawfare Project; Phyllis Schmaus, Trustee of the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education; Rabbi Dov Oliver, Director of Hillel of Rockland County; Stephanie Hausner, Chief Program Officer at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations; Ari Rosenblum, CEO at the Jewish Federation & Foundation of Rockland County; Rachel Lit, Program Coordinator at the Blue Card; Chaim Rose, Trustee of the Village of Chestnut Ridge; Paul Van Alstyne, Deputy Mayor of Chestnut Ridge; Donna Silverman, the Rockland County Clerk; Gerard Filitti, Senior Counsel at The Lawfare Project; and Virag Gulyas, founder of Almost Jewish and an #EndJewHatred activist.

Without the tremendous support of the Holocaust Museum & Center for Tolerance and Education, #EndJewHatred Day would not have been possible. Their passion, commitment, and advocacy were so very instrumental in this achievement.

Finally, we thank YOU for making this special day possible.

#EndJewHatred Day is a day that belongs to all of us – a day that we can all take pride in.

It is a day that recognizes our collective strength through unity in a simple message: we will End Jew Hatred in our lifetime.

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