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In Each and Every Generation They Rise Up: Launch of End Jew Hatred Canada

The Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation has partnered with End Jew Hatred to organize peaceful direct action and hold antisemites accountable. You too can join End Jew Hatred Canada.

Below are a few photos from our first direct action. On Holocaust Remembrance Day, members of our EJH Canada Steering Committee held a short, pandemic safe, vigil at the Holocaust Memorial in Earl Bales Park, Toronto. You can read the words of the spokesperson, Anita Bromberg, Co-Chair EJH Canada and President of CAEF.

a view of the memorial from the parking lot, Earl Bales Park

The participants then followed a hearse generously donated by the Clark Family Funeral Coach to the downtown headquarters of Twitter Canada. Ten cars formed a convoy, bearing funeral signs and hazard lights flashing and one car blared out a strong message demanding that Jack Dorsey, President and CEO: ”Deny Holocaust Deniers the use of the Twitter social media platform”. The Co-Chair of EJH Canada, Andria Spindel, read our statement outside of Twitter while a volunteer held the Twitter logo abreast, and others held EJH signs.

Judith Weinroth leading Kaddish prayer

Anita Bromberg, President of CAEF and CoChair of EJH Canada reading remarks about launch of EJH, remembrance, liberation and the message to Twitter CEO

from left, Mark Zimmerman, Judith Weinroth, Anita Bromberg, Tara Steinberg, Andria Spindel

Please see #EndJewHatred's Mission Statement HERE



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PO Box 77598, Sheppard Plaza PO, Toronto, ON, M3H 6A7

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