February 6, 2023
As Israelis and Jews world over mourn the dead and wounded from one of the most horrific terror attacks in years, Palestinian Arabs and even some Israeli Arabs celebrated with street parties, fireworks, children brandishing guns, and sweets handed out.
On Friday, January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a 21-year-old Palestinian Arab terrorist murdered seven innocent Israelis and wounded three as they were coming out of a synagogue on Shabbat in Jerusalem, on Holocaust Memorial Day.
On Saturday, January 28, a 13-year-old Palestinian Arab boy shot and seriously wounded an Israeli father and his son at the City of David site in Jerusalem.
The source of the terror is the Palestinian Authority which passed the law that states that the more Jews you kill, the more money you’ll receive. Its despotic leader, Mahmoud Abbas, has an oft-stated fixation to eliminate Israel at any cost, even at the cost of the security and well-being of his citizens; he and his government are behind all of the terror.
These terrorists and others like them, are the consequences of growing up in Palestinian Arab society which is entirely structured around Jew hatred and the eradication of Israel. This includes its media, educational system and college curriculum, and then offering financial rewards to terrorists and their families. The clerics repeat Islamist hate messages on a regular basis and the society is completely indoctrinated with Jew hatred.
On Tuesday, February 1, the PA issued a statement calling for “the direct destruction of Israel”. Needless to say, there will be a positive response from the already heavily indoctrinated, anti-democratic, anti-Western Palestinian Arabs.
The Washington Post reports: “In the Palestinian Authority’s budget, one can find $350 million in annual payments to Palestinian prisoners, 'martyrs' and injured.” This money, roughly half the amount of US aid to the Palestinian Arabs, could be used to better the lives of the people.
It was no random accident that 13-year-old Mohammad Aliwa became a terrorist. From the earliest age, he was educated to kill Jews. All his textbooks incite hatred and violence against Jews. He left a note in his school notebook expressing his desire to die as a martyr.
Most of the Palestinian Arab education system relies on UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, declared by many as the key impediment to peace in the Middle East. Through its schools and camps, UNRWA trains thousands of children on genocidal antisemitism, justifications for violent jihad and demonization of Israel, denying its right to exist.
In July 2022, Hillel Neuer, Director of UN Watch tweeted that his organization has “easily identified 120 UNRWA teachers, principals and other employees who praise Hitler, glorify terrorist attacks and spread Antisemitism.” He called the exploitation of children as child soldiers, a “form of child abuse and a violation of international law”.
The governments of the West also bear responsibility for the carnage. While they express shock and condemnation over these attacks, they continue to fund and strengthen the antisemitic Palestinian Arab cause. The European Union gives money and support to the PA and is complicit with them in building illegal structures in the Jewish areas of Judea and Samaria and in the Negev, where the Jews alone have historic and legal claim.
The Biden government very recently announced funding to the PA of $50 million dollars. This is alongside the $890 million given in the last two years. This despite its “pay to slay” policy of rewarding the terrorists who kill Jews, and its never-ending incitement to murder Jews and steal Israel’s land.
UNRWA is a huge influence in the Middle East. Canada, under the Liberals, has increased funding to UNRWA to over $27 million in 2022--with no conditions and no questions asked. Total operating budget of UNRWA is $1.6 billion dollars. Sources at the Canadian Embassy say that about the same allocation will reach UNRWA this year. Despite reports of wasted resources, diversion of cash to Gaza based terror groups, the toxic curriculum…the money flows.
Israel has tried from its very beginning to make a lasting peace only to be met with Palestinian Arab intransigence and bloody warfare. If the Western powers continue the reckless flow of funding without transparency and demanding of changes compatible with decency and democracy, they will continue to aid and abet terrorism, destroying the hope of millions for the safety and prosperity that peace would bring. Or they could execute their powers of leadership and lead the way, finally, to a lasting peace in the Middle East.
Now is the time!
Doris Strub Epstein, Editor
Copyright ©, End Jew Hatred Canada

End Jew Hatred Canada is the Jewish civil rights movement, fighting for freedom from bigotry, and oppression that denigrates our people, our homeland, our culture. Jew hatred threatens our safety and Canada’s thriving democracy. It comes from all forms of extremism. There is no justice without truth.
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